I Want You.
Hold my hand
Look into my eyes again
Eulogie something in me
When I am distracted
Falling inside.
Calm my nerves
Call my name once more
Embrace me suddenly
When I need most
Willing to run away.
Come closer, please
Or I do, I swear
I will attack you
like a wild animal in lack of love.
Kiss me
Kiss me all over
Make your body next to mine
Make this night our own.
Oh, I can not take anymore
Waiting for your rule to let it happen by time
I will grab you, embrace you, kiss you
Like the old movies
With all the passion, the madness
with all I can.
Your mania of blushing me,
Make this heat increase
In all the senses
Close, I want you closer
With your beard, lips and hair
With your hands, body and breath
Come, sweet, come
I learn the 'how to'
I want you.
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