Beautiful Hopefulness.

Everyone is beautiful,
In everything there is beauty
An asymmetrical person, the soft or heavy traces
The drops of rain falling on the ground
In all faces
In all your founds
In the healthy pounds
In the fallen daisies
In those worst days
There is a smile,
a comfort to breathe a while.
See the little things
These ones are the ones which matters the most.
Which can save you from an impulsive thoughtless act or saying.
Among all the people who only sees the skyscrapers
Ignoring the old and resistant constructions.
It is like the different for them is a ghost
To scare and make them deviate,
To think of getting rid of what can transform,
Make a illuminated idea grow
From the nothing to the everything,
Their around.
They just turn of the lights.
Get used with what is tradition,
Is conservative
With what they were born with,
The vision in the blinder of a street horse.
How can I understand a society
Which uses violence in anything?
Which never accept to open wide?
Which settles with the horrifying involution of things and people?
How can I believe?
I only have hopefulness.
Ugliness is a blind society's creation.
For their vice,
mania of never succeeded perfection.

I only have hope.
