Harmonic Symmetry.

We have a balance so different from everyone I already knew,
Or seen on the movies
We are, we both know, in a perfect trance
To never quit, never go away
So happy on being here, with you.

You deliver me the love I asked so much
Through the lives I walked into
You keep me away from doing silly, terrible things with myself
and the ones I thought they loved me.
You make me feel an incredible
the essence I am satisfied to be inside.
You set me free, you amuse me, you make my light shine.
You delights me, you read me, you love me.
...and it is more than enough.
Every day I discover something beautiful and new on you,
And oh, I never tire,
Because I see the truth,
I feel renewed every time I am with you,
Every time I think of you,
I just love everything you do,
I just love you.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
And I appreciate this,
As I thank you for came into my life and saved me.
We are one, we are many,
We make a harmonic symmetry.
