
The most we wait for tomorrow
longer it will take
brief it will be
the end is near.

The longer is our expectation for the future
lower it will get
shorter it will become
the middle has passed.

The biggest our hope is about what is going to happen
less surprises we will get ourselves into
almost none love it will bring with
all delusions and deliriums it will cause - since the beginning.

never ending it gradually becomes
as we do not quiet our hearts, but our minds.
and our evolution.
stepping on danger and letting your soul take the fall.

To live without expectations
without hide
without search
what we cannot hold on for too long
what we will drop anytime, any place
without a reason,
without an argument
without life inside.

To enjoy life
by its details
as shown our own every day
as brought to us with sweetness
it is just the little things
that is how we enjoy need life.
