Until Death Do Us Together

flowers all over the way
the sky is bright as diamond
the altar waits for us
while I am walking towards it
I think
we are not together yet
this is just man's tradition
Imagine if someone killed us now
then we would be
hand on hand
souls entwined
that is the life I want for you and me
I do not believe in marriage
For me it is just a façade
to show people we are together
but not even in death there is a forever.
Still, you do not have the same thought as I
and I adore you
Your forms, yours gestures, your vivid colours
The tone of your voice, the parfum so natural, the shivering caresses
Breathtaking you entirely
I accept this life.
If it is true we will continue when death enter us and do.
Do us together, do us apart,
break our bones, bound our spirits
rot every little piece of our bodies, warm the truth as it is.

Now if it is only a dream and we never existed and this is fear inside feelings
confused, wasting
Could we once ever existed in a time not so corrupted?
Slow, honey, bring it to me
Inside nighttime dreams
life in reality of our fantasies
be my king, be my queen
and I will be free.

Sometimes it happens, sometimes it never will.
We catch what we can
We reach everything
Signs defines us, no lie
Kidnap me in another life
Rape it all and change to come true
Do ask why, why do you deny?
I know that is what you want.

After death.
Until death give us another beginning.
Intertwine the essences of what we really are.
You a fox, I, a eagle.
Majestic, royal, savage, forbidden, veilled,
anything, anywhere

Thoughts within thoughts inside thoughts of the core of thoughts
Until death.
