blames and changes

of course we have changed
no measure in years
but in experiences
in revolutions of our own lives
the adventure of really seeing through ourselves

you did not trust me back then
and I can not blame you
you have many reasons for that

it is even strange to be in this wheel of fortune of changes 
to finally know myself now 
to be sure of what makes me feel good
in a fine line with what is sweet yet so evil and vicious

I wish I could know you now too
I can sense how much you changed from another part of the country
girl, you made me learn 
you on your little chaos
and I on my unconscious territory 

not doing so much anymore just for the thrill
the maturity of seeing and feeling
there is so much to be aware about

I can not blame you 

I hope you have some darling memory of me somewhere inside 

damn, I miss your lyrical tones
and steady words 

one day maybe we will look in each other eyes again with caring 
