28th solar revolution
another solar revolution for me
many reflections
deep breathings
self discoverings
such a pleasure and also an agony
in other words, hormones and anxiety
dealing with the pressure of the world around
with the world inside
the collision every time, every day
when least expected
it is there
coming slow, no noise, in the lurk
coming first with the hunger
just like a real hunter
in the end, are not we all?
some are trying with their best to cope
dwelling in the jungle is not for everyone
much less in the one created by life itself
and people, and tragedies, and dreams
another solar revolution
and with it
changes, rearrangements,
lessons, endings
a light to the walls
and maybe until almost the bottom
of my abysses
to observe more, be thoughtful
to dare myself, to liberate from what still holds me tight
in my eyes there will be the window to my soul
so codified
so misunderstood
in such mad love it can not understand self quite right
just to the point of acceptance
and embracing
I know it will not be really comfortable in the way ahead
yet it will be helpful to the future
from and to my darkness not so known,
I am ready to release
I am here to decode my feelings
and shiverings and instinctive sighs
take me to a better me.
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