That Other Side.

life showing you your lessons
is like the lines of your hands you just can not transcribe

heart in the ground
you ignore the brain above alive still

it is time to look from the other side
that other side where you are
the prey and the predator
where you stay in silence
and you make the moans

the will to experience it all first
to be in the place of the judged
try another positions
and sides

late in the night
or early in the morning
enjoy this flesh so tainted
by everyone and everything
naive still you remain

go there
live through
there is no need of the other everytime
enter the game
let it entwine with your veins
pumping so fast the blood so thirsty
no comfort zone is worthy

dear, this fear is just in your head
tie only the other's lith
the demons that scream locked inside

can you feel it?
