pour gasoline on the flames

 My imagination is wide and wild since my early years

It always have been a form of escape from the chaos 

I was naturally designated too

This world itself plus the chaos of home

that I felt forced to call home while it never felt like 

Not one day I remember that I was comfortable indeed

Yet today I reflect about it, and perhaps always will

the triggers of the day by day does not free me

Because of this context,

I relied a lot on my mind

not to choose the path of desistance

flerting with, but staying on the pavement

fight or flight?

well, I went in direction of flight

and this choice,

lurking in my shadows,

made me lie down in delusion 

only later I realized it was what it was

yet today I runaway on my imagination

on self-made scenaries

sometimes running to hazard corners

yet today I pour gasoline on the flames

and it feels so good, even though

it is not in fact

and I find myself in my imagination 

while I am dissociating

and I find myself in my mind

but I am lost
