appetite of an occult lust

 the thing is

I have been obsessed about the thought of you for a long time

drinking all of you with my all on

every corner and mobile of my house inside my head

in a way I can not explain

but you do not want to fulfill it

says there is a presentiment

that this involvement between us would ruin our friendship

but my presentiment is totally contrary 

I sense that we would get along very damn well

and I think that this feeling of yours

is much more about your own insecurities

from the past and of now than anything else

Do not get me wrong, but

what I really crave from you

is your touch, your kisses, your body, your desires

through sweats and moans

not your love or a similar kind of feeling, dear

I want you to take me and drink me whole 


I hope one day you can see it and make another decision

because deep within me I know there will be no regrets at all

I do not mind if you can not act on it,

for I can show you, teach you and make you roll eyes

and shiver from inside out with intense pleasure

delighting myself with your sensations and reactions


tease me

be teased

fuck me

exchange heats

fulfill appetites

of an occult lust

and carry on 
