Fight It.

Do not stand!
Stand up and fight for your dreams, there is no fear.
Enter in this forest of desires,
Pave the ocean of obstacles,
Suffer and smile then
Go forward on the right road
Make mistakes and learn,
After all you are a human.

Life is not a fairytale, my darling.

You are the one who can make the change,
You are the only one who controls your own heart.
But not the only one in the universe.

Life is not a fairytale, my darling.
You have to fight it, you have to live it, you have to breathe it
Even if it hurts deep
It is only a matter of time, knowledge acquired to keep on the road.

Sometimes things may seem strange
But nothing is what it seems
So, follow the course
Even if something leave you apart
Of what you love most
It always costs
Because, dear, there is no gain, without pain.
