please my anxiety

a rollercoster mind being confused one more time
anxiety is already here
always getting early
this proactivity 
flourished imagination
shivered inner
I do not allow
but do you think it hears?
seems like your modus operandi
even though yours is way more insane 
it begans and goes on like this:
the shivering happens in every spot of this body
hitting farther farther away
knowing my weak ones by observing for a brief moment
contemplating my highs and almost faints
man, you leave me out of myself 
coming back barely
I guess i deserve this unabridged temptation
i identify with this
for even if I deny it out loud
the chest of wonders and horrors
i use as a shield
will scream very hemorrhagic:
'you are a masochist'
and I can not escape
what i crave for so madly
i please my will by accepting so please my anxiety as i please yours
come closer and say only undescribable half words, if you must
