here is a day
that kind of day where I did not want to get up
at least not so early
all I could wish today is to be within my shell
taking care of the house inside and out
not being forced to do things I do not feel like doing
not being swamped in the passivity of the round
the day where I crave I could have the reins
and keep my head up
people does not understand that we are not all equal
that we have not the same level of energy
not physically nor emotionally
and that it is all right
some enjoy being in the automatic and high velocity all day
some not
and the not comprehension of this and or them
makes us sicker every week more
the complaining is seen by eyes of judgement without empathy
and that's why we keep on going down
not listening to our head, heart or body
not learning with those big little mistakes that make us drown
not taking a breath where we are most needed
and we are sick by being over tired
by being out of ourselves more than in
crying hidden in the bathroom and pretending everything is great and glowing
for this is called weakness and it is a huge failure for their eyes
and failures are not accepted in this society of ties
until comes the breakdown
and there is no more point of return
we are making us sicker every day more
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