Orphan Earth.

Take your first step
Feel the air
Catch a glimpse of the horizon
and the sky above you
Drink some water
Enjoy the beauty of this land
Smile, laugh, remember this moment
Because it may not last forever.

One day,
one day this earth can become an orphan Earth.
no one to take care of her
no one to remember as it was before
dreams one day dreamed,
never conquered,
now rotting along with her.
she may be left behind
that is why it does not hurt to make up your mind
instead of just make up your face.

A better Earth,
purer air,
controlled fire,
abundant water.
Do not you want that?
Not just for you or your family,
but for each and everyone of us
Her colors are fading away
Her lungs are turning into black
Come on, now, take a step

Let it be lucid, not a quimera

Talk to her, care for her
or the moment will come in which
not only you, but we will all feel on the skin
as it is being wound in an irreparable way
irreversible, unforgivable, impossible
Mother Earth will do justice,
will go wild without asking
All will pay the bill,
even those who do not spent
who do not know anything about
who are still learning how to
who are only seeing her for the first time.

Do not you come wanting to be recognized,
Come and want to make improvements,
enduring, ahead our paths
Evolve and make progress
She is speaking, screaming and showing or her own way
but no one hears or listen or see
No one realizes
Let one come, and bring many others
This is a salvation for the health of our existence
It is nor or never, so
Do not leave her alone,
Do not leave this earth become an orphan earth.
