love for another

it's another time
another day
same sun, same moon
it's another focus 
not on the love for another
but for self

and my mind drives me
sometimes too wild

and my heart races me
sometimes too hemorrhagic

all though a caring for the stranger I am so attracted
could really calm the whole of me 
my core craves for another's love
I am not made of stone 
in my bleeding days it gets stronger
all I wanted is a caring like I do for myself
here, in fire I long
drove by water I reflect 

dancing inside
floating in imagination
it's another night
not the same of lack of years ago
it's another kind of love 
so pure and sensitive 
the good kind of transitory
chaos and peace entwined bittersweet form 
and that is the focus 
to work on the mind so worried for tomorrow
to work on the racing heart always one step ahead 
it is not the time for a different light right now 
I understand and I feed self of savage and care  
