to cleanse the worries

sometimes it's too hard
short heavy periods that seems to last so long
where I feel lost and aimlessly
even though I am so much
it is like I am nothing from one moment to the next
everythings going good
and then, in ruins I find myself
I am not falling, but thats what I feel when I fail
thats where the waves take me
I know I need to take control
I need to row, hold the reins tight
to trust self

I face the mirror inside
like it is not the worried me speaking
but my rational and intuition singing in echo

do not believe the thoughts
that insist on putting you down,
giving you bigger problems than you already have, everything will be resolved,
go out, let the wind help you on your cleanse
out and then within
do your part and
everything will reorganize,
do not take the paranoia
in your head and chest as truth,
this is all they are not.

breathe deep in, breathe it all out
go easy on yourself, be kind
you are just human
we are all influenced by energies we know only a bit
by people we know only sometimes
cry on, sleep on it, write it down,
go for this
every day is a new day
so go easy on you.

let it go
