Unnecessary Smothering (An Ocean Of Little Lights)

I guess this my problem
I always escape
Normally from the wrong things
Things I need to overcome
To know the way to my own liberty.
Thus, I make myself silent of so much unnecessary smothering.
Thus, I make myself dive deep in that big fat madness. The wrong one.
The one I keep on running away from later. The embrace that smothers.
I try so hard without trying to let it all go. I lie to myself. Without realizing.

I know what I need, but I do not know how to have it. Do not know where to start searching.
Do not know where to go. So many horizons. Only one huge sun. Only one moon.
And an ocean of little lights.

Let me float on,
let me deliver myself to insanity right way,
Let me dive and learn how to yesterday.
Overcome these unnecessary things I do to myself,
and swim on the ocean of life.
