sacred blood.

 there is blood coming out of me,


filling my walls

I can feel

and even without me moving too much

there is life in this blood

not ready to clot

but rather to go out and make your mark wherever you are

the last consequence

my blood, unnecessary blood that is being shed

body in need of renewal

uterus perceiving itself alone

the smell of strong iron

darker than the one that circulates in my arteries and veins

in your honey state

water can be added

to nurture different forms of life

prepared to be waste

with the choice to transform for the last time

you must see the level of your sacred

and thank

and allow to feel

and take care more on these almost hemorrhagic days

it's time to stop, to rest

of reflection, of attention

of self-involvement

to renew yourself

recycle yourself

and reborn

once again.
