state of honey

second time
this year, I mean,
that someone I get to taste love with
disappears while passing through personal storms
I always comprehend
maybe a little too much
leaving me to just lay down with my feelings
and core sighs
(in that moment and some cycles later)

maybe it is mine also this-somekind-of-fault
for delivering my heart in a silver platter
just by being it
touched and droven until the state of honey:
sweetly melted

it is far from me the delusive idea of needing someone close
i am all aware 
yet here in my feelings 
because these are two unique cases 
of the distance unexpected when getting the closer to the souls of each

the nearness, the different
temperatures to become
the sensations of the curious
voluming up and the most curious sensations to be known
with no expectations, only transparency
a place to call home sometimes
after all home is anywhere my heart and soul intertwine comfortably
(which is not exactly any where)
